
We aim to help members put Christian love into action in our local communities, both inside and outside the church. We do this in a number of different ways.



We are working with the Cambridge Food Hubs Network to provide food to anyone who doesn’t have enough right now, as well as encouraging more sustainable food practices in our city.

Alongside Cambridge Food Hub, we want to ensure that all people can access good and healthy food, regardless of income. And we care about contributing to society in a way that continues to strive for a way we can live sustainably and feed a growing population in the future.

Cam SDA Youth

Being in the University town of Cambridge, our church has a high proportion of youth and young adults, many of whom come from far and wide.

During these formative years, through the transitional time of being a teenager and the formative decisions made during our twenties and early thirties, there’s a lot going on! For many, the people in their local church can become a lifeline.

We provide a space to learn from one another, grow together and support each other through everything. So if you have a heart for youth or young people, let us know and we can find a perfect fit for your passion.


Cam Kids 4 Christ & J.A.M Ministry

J.A.M stands for ‘Jesus and Me’ and we want all our kids at Cambridge church to know Jesus with them in their lives. For our kids to learn that wherever they go Jesus never leaves them is the most important thing, and we do this through so many creative ways. Through kids’ Bible study classes on Sabbath morning, monthly whole day creative Bible play, and our yearly Vacation Bible Study holiday club! There’s a lot to get involved in if you have a passion for working with children!

The Prayer Team

Since the beginning of the Covid lockdowns, we have recognised the greater need our church community has felt for connecting with God together. Our daily online prayer meetings enable us to bring all our worries, cares and concerns to God instead of holding on to them with both hands.

These daily meetings have also provided a team of pray-ers who have faithfully kept the needs of all those connected to our church family before God. If you can pray with us, or if we can pray for you – please get in touch.


ADRA Support

ADRA is the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, a humanitarian organisation which supports, rehabilitates and enhances the quality of life and wellbeing of communities and people across 120 countries.

Here at Cambridge we have many supporters of ADRA, and we all pull together to support ADRA UK’s annual appeal to do fundraising in our local area. If you have more fundraising ideas, do let us know!

Personal Ministries

At Cambridge church, we endeavour to inspire, motivate, equip, train and mobilise all members for dynamic Christian service. This is what personal ministries are all about. We want to empower you to serve your community in the way God is calling you to.



CBG Cuisine Corner

We believe that a healthy spiritual life can’t be detached from a healthy physical life; which, in turn, can’t be detached from a healthy emotional, mental and relational life either. That means we care about people holistically, and one aspect of that which we are passionate about is helping people to find convenient ways to live a little more healthily.

Find recipes, tips and other useful things over in our Cuisine Corner, to benefit you and your families.